Dating apps can be frustrating but iMiMatch is different!

Ah! the promise of dating apps. Ready for love? Ask most singles, and they’ll tell you about the horrors of dating apps; scams, unanswered texts, false hopes, and emotional abuse. Still, the swiping continues. A new survey from Match confirms that 1 in 6 singles (15%) say they feel addicted to the dating app process. Probably a low estimate, but online dating frauds are extensive. Outright catfishing to gain money for love, but can get into internet blackmail (expose illicit relationships), prostitution, or even casing profiles for robbery. The FBI reported in the U.S. aggregate losses reaching $362 million in 2017. Fake and exaggerated profiles are also some of the reasons why people abhor dating apps.
You may think this is just another advertisement lie to catch the public eye but believe me, it is true. iMiMatch is different. iMiMatch is different because it is not only a dating site where people meet their potential life partners and where these people are ready to do just anything to hook up with just anybody. iMiMatch is first and foremost a friendship essential platform. It is a place where people meet and get to know each other as friends and/or family before the relationship evolves to anything intimate.
Moreover, connecting with each other on iMiMatch doesn’t only revolve around intimacy as the end result. They are interacting and exchanging on many other different issues like their conditions of life in their host countries, the economic, political and social climates in their home countries, and also, they are discussing and finding ways in which they can contribute to global existence. iMiMatch is also about bringing immigrants and even locals together in order to permit them to share, learn and understand each other’s culture and lifestyle so as to promote diversity and living together. I can assure that the frustration you encounter on some dating sites will definitely turn into interest on iMiMatch.