Immigrants on Reconnek are going on a free round trip to Hawaii.

What better way to survive a pandemic than to do it on a beach in Hawaii? For anyone who finds the idea dreamy, Hawaii is offering free round trip tickets to Oahu to out-of-state remote workers who want to live and work there while contributing to the state’s economy. The state launched the temporary residency program, known as “Movers and Shakas,” in collaboration with schools and businesses. It’s accepting its first group of applicants until December 15. “Movers and Shakas is a small step towards economic recovery and diversifying our economy,” Jason Higa, the group’s founder, told CNN. Fifty people will be chosen for the first cohort. Later applicants will be accepted on a rolling basis. To apply, you must be a remote worker and at least 18 years old.
Participants must move within one month of being selected and are required to spend at least 30 consecutive days in Hawaii. “Hawai’i currently has the lowest rate per capita of Covid infections in the country, also making it one of the safest places to live and work,” according to the program’s news release. So far, Hawaii has reported over 18,000 coronavirus cases, and more than 200 people have died. While spending your days off soaking in the sun may sound like heaven, “Movers and Shakas” is specifically looking for individuals who want to contribute to Hawaii’s local communities. Though the program will accept remote workers from across the United States, it’s also geared towards former Hawaii residents who want to return.
The pandemic has normalized remote work for the foreseeable future, so we believe this situation presents an opportunity for local residents to return home, and for immigrants on Reconnek to experience Hawaii, not as tourists, but as contributing members of the community. Those accepted into the program are required to commit a few hours every week to a nonprofit where they can use their knowledge and skills and who better than immigrants on Reconnek to do that. Since they joined the platform, immigrants on Reconnek have been meeting and connecting with each other as a community. This free trip to Hawaii will reinforce their community bonds.