Immigrants on iMiMatch are Saying No to Domestic Violence.

Four hundred and forty pairs of high heeled shoes hung on the wall of a building in Istanbul to raise awareness against domestic violence. The art installation created by Turkish artist Vahit Tuna pays tribute to four hundred and forty women, victims of domestic violence murdered in Turkey in 2018. “I think this installation creates awareness and is something that influences people and makes them think” the artist said. Around four hundred and forty women were killed in Istanbul in 2018 and the figures have increased by 0.9 percent this year according to Kadin Cinayetlerini Durduracagiz Platformu translated into English as the ‘we will stop Femicide platform’ which keeps the records of femicides across Turkey.
Immigrants on iMiMatch are coming together to say no to domestic abuse which causes femicides. The woman is the mother of humanity and it is through her that life comes to earth. A woman must not be abused and violated. On iMiMatch, immigrants strive as much as possible to respect the place of the woman. Some men have problems asserting their authority and controlling their anger. This pushes them to beat out their frustrations on women who most of the time are very fragile and can barely defend themselves.
If you are a man and you discover that you have issues controlling your temperament when it comes to women, then you definitely need to consult a therapist. You could even get into contact with someone on iMiMatch who might just turn out to be a therapist. When you work hard, your problems will become your part. Also, if you are a woman and you are or have been a victim of abuse and you are now are on iMiMatch, you could share your story in order to inspire others; If you are having issues with that, then just talk to someone on iMiMatch. You could even meet doctors who would help you out through the traumatic experiences.