Immigrants on iMiMatch take a stand against Trump’s Draconian Policies
Bringing together immigrants living in the States, to decry the inhumane actions taken against migrants, particularly those at the Mexican border

It’s a no brainer that immigration laws at the U.S-Mexico borders are harsh, and have become draconian under Trump’s government. Daily, families are separated from each other at the barracks, and while others step in to America, others are left to wallow in uncertainty. Trump’s unpopular Immigration policies are hurting his rule and government on many levels. Deporting sick children, diverting FEMA funds to the wall — this is America now. The United States and Mexico are set to review migration enforcement policies that are decimating due process, violating domestic and international laws, and putting tens of thousands of asylum seekers in danger of rape, kidnapping and assault, as they are forced to await court dates in Mexico.
A quarter of American immigrants today — both documented and undocumented — passed through the Mexican border to get to the US. They were once asylum seekers; once foreigners struggling to make it past the border; once crammed in migrant camps wondering if a day would come when they would live in America or be American citizens.
iMiMatch brings together immigrants living in the States, to decry the inhumane actions taken against migrants, particularly those at the Mexican border.
iMiMatch says NO to all forms of cruelty, to “Remain in Mexico” bills, and to the separation of families. To the struggling migrant waiting in Mexico or Ecuador, iMiMatch sends love. Our hearts go out to you in all shapes and sizes. Stay Strong! Do Not Lose Hope!