On iMiMatch, immigrants overcome Language barriers

Language barriers cause huge difficulties and make simple interactions seem like daunting feats for immigrants. Employment, transportation, legal responsibilities and receiving assistance in each of these areas are more difficult without a firm grasp of English. Besides the drastic lifestyle changes that most immigrants and refugees face upon arrival, other differences between the United States culture and cultures left behind can cause difficulties. According to a 2010 congressional report on the state of the U.S. refugee resettlement program, “many refugees and immigrants lack a legitimate shot at becoming employed, conversant, and self-sufficient under the current system” and are, therefore, much more susceptible to inescapable poverty. This is because most of them can barely express themselves in good English. Due to this, iMiMatch was created for immigrants. Via iMiMatch immigrants can actually learn how to speak English Language and get a better job for themselves. They can meet other immigrants and learn to interact in English through their chats and calls. This platform helps to better improve on their spoken and Witten English.
Having a limited proficiency in English may pose immediate drawbacks on immigrant’s ability to maintain independence. Lack of proficiency in the target language may mediate access to and utilization of services. With linguistic environment being one of the main differences between native and migrant populations, it seems counterintuitive that past studies have not taken this factor into account. it was suggested that language is a mediating factor for migrant older adults in gaining access to healthcare services, but also to maintain a degree of wellbeing. This has caused many immigrants to register on iMiMatch and improve on their English Language.
Language barrier postulates a circle of dependencies that limits interactional opportunities, the construction of social networks and limited abilities to express and communicate healthcare needs. Language thus plays an intricate role in the lives of immigrants, yet because of these challenges in interactions and social connectivity, iMiMatch has been created to improve on the connectivity, interaction and English Language level of immigrants.